Straight and aligned teeth enhance the appearance of your face and boost your oral health. Dental aligners are highly sought-after by those looking to get an even, straighter smile without the hassle and inconvenience of typical braces. While aligners are generally safe and effective, emergencies requiring immediate attention can occur.
You should act swiftly to avoid treatment setbacks whenever a dental aligner issue occurs. You can ensure that you are in the process of achieving the desired results by being aware of your aligners, following the recommended guidelines for your care, and calling your dentist promptly.
This article discusses the most common dental aligner emergencies and why their treatment is crucial. By being aware of these emergencies and knowing how to handle them, you can maintain your progress and get to your ideal smile.
Common Dental Aligner Emergencies
Here are a few most frequent dental aligner-related emergencies and why you must be quick to prevent any problems with your treatments.
Cracked Aligners
A cracked or broken aligner is one of the most frequent dental aligner-related emergencies. It can be caused by various reasons, like the pressure of your bite, accidentally dropping your aligners or over-pressure. It is best to take action immediately when you notice a crack or a crack in the aligners. Leaving the crack unchecked can render the aligner useless or cause your teeth to move incorrectly.
To prevent this from happening:
- Avoid eating sticky or hard foods.
- Don’t put them where they can be damaged.
- In the event of a crack, contact your dentist or orthodontist immediately to determine if a replacement is necessary.
Irritation or Sores
Although it’s not expected that wearing aligners for long periods can cause irritation or sores in your mouth, it could be because of the edges of the aligners rubbing against your gums or cheeks. Although it can make you uncomfortable, it’s essential to keep wearing aligners to progress and discover ways to ease the discomfort.
Try using the orthodontia wax to smooth the edges of the uncomfortable aligners. If that doesn’t work, discuss with your dentist to find out more details about the possibility of using a numbing gel for your teeth to alleviate the pain. However you treat it, you shouldn’t remove your aligners from your mouth because it could slow your progression back.
Lost Aligners
Losing your aligners is another frequent emergency that can occur. Losing aligners is not challenging, mainly if you take them out often to eat or clean them. If you lose an aligner, you must notify your dentist promptly. You might need to buy new aligners, wear your older ones, or upgrade to your next finest quality teeth aligners.
Allergic Reactions
While uncommon, some people may be sensitive to the material used to make dental aligners. Hives, swelling, itching, or an allergic reaction are all possible symptoms. If you’re uncertain if you’re allergic to any materials in your aligners, it’s always best to consult an expert for more information. They can perform a patch test to see if you have any reactions before starting treatment; visit this website for more details on dental emergencies.
Loose Aligners
Over time, your aligners can become loose or not fit properly. This could happen if you lose weight or your teeth shift more than anticipated. It’s vital to tackle this issue immediately to avoid any issues with your treatment.
If your aligners have become loose, contact your dentist or an orthodontist immediately. They may need to adjust your treatment plan to ensure your progress isn’t affected.